Stop in for a cup of coffee

Mostly slush. Ours was. Damn hard to move. I didn't even get the snowblower out. It slid off the garage roof and piled up in front of the door. I has to shovel it with a aluminum scoop shovel.
You need snow dogs with a metal roof Mike
Morning , same mess here!!:BangHead:
40's and 30's here and wet. Glad I'm not having to shovel snow tho, I'll take the wet over that : )
I thought we were going to quit doing that...
The problem is, the imbeciles in Congress want to make Daylight Savings permanent, WTF? Do We have a nation full of idiots that can't just say they start at 6AM instead of 7AM? Open at 8 instead of 9?? WTF is wrong with people...Noon is Noon decided by the Earth & Sun, they don't care whether You can't be bothered to move the hands on Your little open/close window-clock, just open the store/diner an hour earlier year-'round.
Ohhh, morning, got to get
The NWS painted us Flood Watch green again. I think we're sposed to watch the floods from other areas head for the sea in the river, there hasn't been but 1/4" on the rain gauges here in the last 12 hours.
Sunshine is on the job this morning, nothing better to start my day is to open the blinds and squinting first thing in the morning, coffee did its job as well. Taking this day by the rane
Enjoy your day we all have been given

Having worked outside all my working days, if it's light at 7AM it's time to go to work.
Damn lazy people... Up at 5.. at work by 6... the day starts at 6. BTW.. it kind of pisses me off that stuff opens so early.. i'm lucky walmart and kroger open at 6 so i can get shopping done without having to be around other humans :)
Damn lazy people... Up at 5.. at work by 6... the day starts at 6. BTW.. it kind of pisses me off that stuff opens so early.. i'm lucky walmart and kroger open at 6 so i can get shopping done without having to be around other humans :)
That's the best time to go. The Walmartians aren't out yet. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: