Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning everyone. Gnarly storm last night about midnight. Crazy lightning, thunder and very heavy rain. Some hail. Made it though
Roll cage with a functional back seat…to do or not to do
Just remember, roll cages are meant for helmets and anyone in the back seat should be made sure not to be able to contact the bar in any accident. Front seats are important but a jungle gym for the back seat people could be scary
Watching weather this morning since 4am.
Just to my north 40 miles, waiting to see what happens when the cold front moves threw at 8 am.. think I might get a couple hours more rest between now and then.

Be sure to check your rear axle for a seal leak this spring.

No it wasn't. Just surveying the house. Quite a bit of water in the basement. Not inches worth but definitely water and places I haven't seen. Need to work on the grading around the house soon.
should spring up If I remember. Willie is now the expert here on them. :rofl:
Well ****.... mine doesn't... i have never driven a pushbutton.. mine also won't go into park though so something is wrong for sure.