Stop in for a cup of coffee

It might be... i wasn't in much condition to ask at the time :) I spent 2 days rolling around on the floor of my house then went to the ER... they basically drugged me up and said we gotta replace it
Ouch x2
-7° and lots of snow. Will continue all fn day. Mom is getting moved to town today, i really hope it still happens.
It might be... i wasn't in much condition to ask at the time :) I spent 2 days rolling around on the floor of my house then went to the ER... they basically drugged me up and said we gotta replace it

Mountain bike shoulder injuries are freaking bad. Buddy had an A/C separation... almost came through the flesh.
Not sure, i think it's stainless.. it's a reverse replacement, the ball and socket are reversed.. i have almost full mobility which is amazing.. i still play drums 2+ hours every night. I crashed a mountain bike and my body made a sound like glass shattering.. i broke the ball/socket/arm to the elbow.. basically everything except my collar bone..

P.S. i don't see myself ever flying anywhere.. so shouldn't be an issue :)
Wow did you drive your bike off a cliff, holy cow! Maybe speed plus tree/rock. Sorry, sounds like that was one painful accident, hope things start feeling better.
Mountain bike shoulder injuries are freaking bad. Buddy had an A/C separation... almost came through the flesh.
Yeah, i have fallen hundreds of times (i jump and pushed myself all the time) and i would tuck my arms in tight and land on a shoulder and slide.. This time i twas in soft dirt/sand.. so when i landed from about 6ft/20mph i didn't slide i just STOPPED and my body took the hit
Yeah, i have fallen hundreds of times (i jump and pushed myself all the time) and i would tuck my arms in tight and land on a shoulder and slide.. This time i twas in soft dirt/sand.. so when i landed from about 6ft/20mph i didn't slide i just STOPPED and my body took the hit
Yeah, i have fallen hundreds of times (i jump and pushed myself all the time) and i would tuck my arms in tight and land on a shoulder and slide.. This time i twas in soft dirt/sand.. so when i landed from about 6ft/20mph i didn't slide i just STOPPED and my body took the hit

Yeah..we were downhill out in the NC mountains... he caught some air
Yeah..we were downhill out in the NC mountains... he caught some air
yeah what sucks is i have ridden since i was like 5 years old.. and i would mountain bike 4-5 times a week and now i can never ride again.. WAH.. i could ride but i know i will fall, not taking that chance. This stupid shoulder cost 125k... never again :)
yeah what sucks is i have ridden since i was like 5 years old.. and i would mountain bike 4-5 times a week and now i can never ride again.. WAH.. i could ride but i know i will fall, not taking that chance. This stupid shoulder cost 125k... never again :)

Yeah... fortunately my serious departure-from-earth falls have been while skiing. Way more forgiving