Stop in for a cup of coffee

and, this piston crown appears to be steam cleaned of the carbon. Sign there was water present during combustion

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So the cylinder that is steam cleaned is number 5.

The only noticeable damage on the gasket is below. Second picture is the coolant and oil passages for cylinder number 6. Which isn’t steam cleaned.

The top picture is between cylinders 2&3. Also not steam cleaned


I feel your pain Fred! As you well know, last winter up there broke Jodi. She looked me in the eye and said no more! She was standing on about a six ft snow ledge busting it off as I carved it out underneath with my snow blower. It was in the neighborhood of ten or fifteen below! I am sun burnt and have already mowed multiple times. I miss your company for sure but I don’t miss the snow and cold!
I remember ya got hit pretty hard and glad your in better weather now. I'd move but most of my kids are here.
Here’s the head . Taking it tomorrow to have tested


I am not sure that would get water in the cylinders due to those areas
Yeah I’m not either. The shop I talked too said some times the exhaust valve seat can crack and allow coolant and oil into the cylinder but I’d think if that was true, than the head would have steamed cleaned too right?

Just don’t look close. It is a hot mess. The trailer was twisted and one corner scrunched. I drug it up the hill And dropped it across the creek. Put some 2x6 down the sides plywood in the bottom and screed the top!
As long as it works is what matters. and if someone complains about it just toss them in the creek. LOL
Yeah, not seeing issues standing out on the head
I don’t see any cylinder cracks either , at least none visible. Don’t really want to do a complete tear down of the bottom end. Wonder if I could try one of those home magnaflux kits orielly sells
I don’t see any cylinder cracks either , at least none visible. Don’t really want to do a complete tear down of the bottom end. Wonder if I could try one of those home magnaflux kits orielly sells
We have some red dye and activator stuff that works fairly well for easier to see areas. But then a full manuflux machine with dark room that is great
Guess I’ll put everything together after pending the head test and see what happens. If the issue goes away, we know it was the head gasket
Well I am done, yes I know I am a slacker and did a rough broom finish. But quite honestly I am not that great of a cement finisher, thus the broom finish! Plus I don’t have knee boards etc etc. Just trying to get it done! Great use of a 45 ft trailer bed!

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Cover it with old carpet or dirt and keep it wet for a month. Will help it cure to it's max compressive strength. Use washed concrete sand to avoid stains if using dirt.
If anyone really wants it… I put that Don Taylor small block book on watchlist. Just got a notification-$120
Rebuild Sb Mopar Hp83 book by Don Taylor
To add to my comments the other day about asking prices.
Although not automotive related, it shows many book sellers are not basing asking price on the real world.
The book I contributed to the publisher has fixed at $100 (occassionally offered for less at events and for contributors $60).
Yesterday I did a websearch and some people are asking 120 to 200 USD. Yes there are not that many copies in circulation, but the book is still available new for 100 USD. Somehow there is a disconnect. :realcrazy:
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There is a spray on sealer for that purpose too called Hunt's if I member correctly. Like most other paint type compounds it's probly pretty spendy these days.
There is a spray on sealer for that purpose too called Hunt's if I member correctly. Like most other paint type compounds it's probly pretty spendy these days.
I found something called Spot Checker SLK-SP1 that’s supposed to do the job, 45 bucks a can at grainger. Cheaper and easier than tearing it down for no reason
Got Dakota done. After trying 3 different mopar radios i ended poppong in a sony head unit. Had to make an adapter plate as well. Took all day once it was all said and done.
Did not get any snow yet, as of 7:00 pm. Hoping it missed us.