Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning Mopar Mob !!!!!!
Good morning, rain has about moved out, high of 59 today.
Sunny Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
My scratch pad gets silly at times.

I just go usually. Marilyns foot is bad so might skip it this year.
Wow, not a good thing to deal with, takes forever to heal, secret is to not put any weight on it and just do toe ups (up and down toes) hope its going to heal fast for her and you.
-3° and only a little snow. Studebaker is in shop.
-3 isn't bad...
Pulled my top drivers hinge last night.. might not even need to bush it.. looks like just the pine wore :) Have it soaking in evaporust now.. Need new C-springs and rollers though.. only one guy sells them and for too much :( will be living without door detents which will annoy me everytime i drive the car.

P.S. i have no idea how people get the C-spring (early mopar used a C shape not S for the detent) in with the door/hinge on the car.. has to be some trick to it
Morning all quiet Friday here Cheryl is out of town for a state lawyer's meeting.
I'm waiting for the sun to rise and do some mowing before the 20-25mph winds show up this afternoon.
Morning all quiet Friday here Cheryl is out of town for a state lawyer's meeting.
I'm waiting for the sun to rise and do some mowing before the 20-25mph winds show up this afternoon.
Did that yesterday, after fighting this monster in at daylight :lol:

-3 isn't bad...
Pulled my top drivers hinge last night.. might not even need to bush it.. looks like just the pine wore :) Have it soaking in evaporust now.. Need new C-springs and rollers though.. only one guy sells them and for too much :( will be living without door detents which will annoy me everytime i drive the car.

P.S. i have no idea how people get the C-spring (early mopar used a C shape not S for the detent) in with the door/hinge on the car.. has to be some trick to it

Wasn't there a door hinge build thread somewhere?


Yeah... not helpful.

Hope there's a useful one
Thanks, not a big thing... i will be happy just to have a door that doesn't sag.. as it was i had to lift it like a inch to close it, pins were very worn
Good Morning to everyone else too. Short day at work today and will be boring at that. I am ready for the weekend to get some work done on the car and around the house
Good Morning to everyone else too. Short day at work today and will be boring at that. I am ready for the weekend to get some work done on the car and around the house
Yeah.. fridays are usually dead for me... i will sit here for 12 hours reading a book and that's bout it.. i would rather be swamped in work
Yeah.. fridays are usually dead for me... i will sit here for 12 hours reading a book and that's bout it.. i would rather be swamped in work
I usually have my time in, come in for a few hours in case there is something needed. I should be done by 9am
I usually have my time in, come in for a few hours in case there is something needed. I should be done by 9am
Very nice.... sadly i own my place and work alone so i have to be here no matter what... slow days make me nuts.. i don't make money sitting on my butt :)