Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning !
so sick of cold weather already...
Looks like still below freezing at night there. I'm planting my garden late here and nothing exciting either as I haven't got all my rabbit fencing up. Hoping for 50 at night, really not seeing it yet.
The whole latitude thing. I get it.

43° F this morning after the storm line went through yesterday
That front went through here Wednesday and been in mid 50's high mid 30's lows for a few days now.
Next week low 60's well below average.
Got anothe bunch of heavier shelf brackets in. just going to add them. Figured out the weaigts al housings 260 lbs, dual point and older ones 512.
I wish way to much $ to do 8 shelves. If I add two more of these should be over the weight, I need.
I have it figured uot. Kind of like the way I have them at Carlisle. By year, and application by block. Just a hell of alot of weight. Might chain the board edges to the ceiling.
LOL over 500 0r them that would be death on a string.
Didn't think about that, for us that just has a few, I did it because in site in mind, and having a tall ceiling make for good storage area, rummage sale find, LS truck stainless headers, no dents, hope to be used in my sons 79 two door grand Cherakee, couldn't go wrong on that buy

Just a quick drive by for me as I have to rearrange the range for some 200 yard shooters in today for a class. We had a full classroom as well yesterday. We taught a basic trauma and CPR class. Jodi was an actual student for this one as I needed to get her spooled up a bit on medical. It was all good till she had to put a tourniquet on herself. Done correctly they hurt! Then she had to put one on another student. Nobody likes to do that particular exercise! Gotta go!