Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning to you all. Hump day for the working stiffs.
Welcome to the coffee group Scott.
If you're a friend of Eric's, then you couldn't have passed the coffee group background check...haha!!
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Ok fine I was just kidding about Scott go ahead radio silence isn't required he passed. :thumbsup:
Think the carb in the Fargo needs work. Its developing a low speed miss. Have to pull plugs. Well, first i need to get the scope on it.
Love this? I think I can figure out something to do with it!

Would have been awesome to use in a scenario paint ball game!
Morning ya moparian misfits! I had a full day of cutting trim yesterday! And since I had cut station set up I made me an impromptu shelf for rattle cans. Fundamentally simple yet effective!


Morning Mopar men, calm and a cool 54 this morning, rain later tonight into Thursday morning.
Coffee pot is turned off as I set in the shop nursing my last cup..
Another day , another way my friends
Oh yeah!! Basketball champs 94 was a good fun and busy year for us
Still beefing up the dist shelves in between rebuilds, been busy with them it is spring.
I had 8 ft strips of 3/4 inch plywood from forming up my bridge. I did not burn them just set them aside thinking I would use them someday. Lo and behold they were the same width as the red iron stringers in the shop! Wa la shelving in a under utilized area!
I had 8 ft strips of 3/4 inch plywood from forming up my bridge. I did not burn them just set them aside thinking I would use them someday. Lo and behold they were the same width as the red iron stringers in the shop! Wa la shelving in a under utilized area!
Never seem to have enough shelves around here but if I stopped collecting things that might help.
I am not positive yet but think I need two more 6' shelves in the container. I will try to get pics today I like them because they only take up a foot of room off of the wall in there..
I am not positive yet but think I need two more 6' shelves in the container. I will try to get pics today I like them because they only take up a foot of room off of the wall in there..
That will be a nice storage shed when your done.
Dang, feeling it today. I was up and down probably 50 times yesterday working on the rider. I can see why the tech's have lifts for that thing. But I should be good for a summer.