Stop in for a cup of coffee

In Vietnam you can brew your coffee right in front of you. Done this way almost everywhere in Vietnam.
Tommy from Parts hound sent me some pics of parts he makes great again I have to post them. I did nott know he will also repair wiring harnesses instead of new ones. Fixes whats needed. I definately see the market for that. Still look vintage.
He has a high end restoration shop Parts Hound, think Graveyard cars. Been dealing with him for around 5 years. I do distribs for him and we go back and forth on parts alot. Have three going to him Tues and he sent me one. Good for both of us actually. He buys switches, motors etc, just mopar so dont throw them out if bad. He is fair to he will pay what it is worth. I usually find him core switches when i do go to swap meets. He has all the internal contacts made up to replace them. You should see some of the door switches. Unbelievable. Not cheap though.
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He has a high end restoration shop Parts Hound, think Graveyard cars. Been dealing with him for around 5 years. I do distribs for him and we go back and forth on parts alot. Have three going to him Tues and he sent me one. Good for both of us actually. He buys switches, motors etch, just mopar so dont throw them out if bad. He is fair to he will pay what it is worth. I usually find him core switches when i do go to swap meets. He has all the internal contacts made up to replace them. You should see some of the door switches. Unbelievable. Not cheap though.
Maybe he could restore your coffee maker! :poke:
Rained all night here in regina.
Suffered all night, nothing seemed to calm it down. Dont think im going to have a good day
Rained all night here in regina.
Suffered all night, nothing seemed to calm it down. Dont think im going to have a good day
Not a fix but does something like Ben Gay help at all? With me I get pns and needles and Meclazine helps a hell of a lot and so does amitriptoline.
Have a great day we're off to chase the little white ball soon followed by some BK and then the pool.
A nice relaxing day well until we get home. I still have a couple hours in the meadow to mow.