Stop in for a cup of coffee

Be safe over there
We'll try. Only thing is I have a doctor's appointment and have to drive in it. Got on tomorrow too and it's supposed to do the same thing. ....and God forbid I put them off cause then they caint get me in again until at least six months out so I gotta go.
We'll try. Only thing is I have a doctor's appointment and have to drive in it. Got on tomorrow too and it's supposed to do the same thing. ....and God forbid I put them off cause then they caint get me in again until at least six months out so I gotta go.

Yup ... Keep your nose to the wind.
Just got back from the barber since I was starting to look like a hippie and Jodi is out West visiting her Sister. Say what you want about small town rural America but a haircut is still just ten bucks! Normally Jodi sheep shears me in the kitchen but she ain’t here. No way I am trusting @memike to cut it! Hah
Just got back from the barber since I was starting to look like a hippie and Jodi is out West visiting her Sister. Say what you want about small town rural America but a haircut is still just ten bucks! Normally Jodi sheep shears me in the kitchen but she ain’t here. No way I am trusting @memike to cut it! Hah
Nice!! I paid 40…
Just got back from the barber since I was starting to look like a hippie and Jodi is out West visiting her Sister. Say what you want about small town rural America but a haircut is still just ten bucks! Normally Jodi sheep shears me in the kitchen but she ain’t here. No way I am trusting @memike to cut it! Hah
As long as they're not selling meat pies... :eek:
Got the Mazda inspection done this morning. Had them rotate the tires. I had just done my oil. They were going to wash it -declined on 2 counts. They have automatic with brushes and I just did it. I don't know what they thought they were going to clean off of it is spotless! I think the guy just wanted to kill time with a ride through the wash. :steering:

Heavy but brief rain storm just moved through. Had some last night as well. A few more of those, we may put a dent in the water table deficit. At least no garden watering again today. :thumbsup:
Busy morning today was the day we got new window covers for the basement windows. We have 12 3x7 windows and a double walk out sliding glass door. All are Pella double windows with a mini blind between the two windows. Took the inside window off removed the blind and cleaned each window and put the window back. They installed the plantation style window covers for the windows and walkout door. With the downstairs construction the last couple months the window screens were dirty. Took them outside and washed each twice with soap and a sponge. Time for a little lunch and go do something fun...a little golf. Have a great day.
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Just got back from the barber since I was starting to look like a hippie and Jodi is out West visiting her Sister. Say what you want about small town rural America but a haircut is still just ten bucks! Normally Jodi sheep shears me in the kitchen but she ain’t here. No way I am trusting @memike to cut it! Hah
would pay memike 20 bucks just to see how it would turn out. :poke:
Just got back from the barber since I was starting to look like a hippie and Jodi is out West visiting her Sister. Say what you want about small town rural America but a haircut is still just ten bucks! Normally Jodi sheep shears me in the kitchen but she ain’t here. No way I am trusting @memike to cut it! Hah
Only $1 USD in Vietnam. Jus saying......kkkkkkkk
You good Sir are not helping! Hah! Too late now anyway I have been shorn! Number two all over!
I decided I wanted my hair cut like Dad in about the 3rd grade, Crew Cut. One walk past a window at school seeing my reflection, "Kids with chubby round faces shouldn't get Crew Cuts" I thought :lol:
We'll try. Only thing is I have a doctor's appointment and have to drive in it. Got on tomorrow too and it's supposed to do the same thing. ....and God forbid I put them off cause then they caint get me in again until at least six months out so I gotta go.
Just looking at Weather Channel. RRR not kiddin'. Weather in his neighborhood not lookin' good. Egg sized hail sounds like an insurance company nightmare. Or do they just call that "An Act of God" and tell ya to "shove those claims"?
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Just looking at Weather Channel. RRR not kiddin'. Weather in his neighborhood not lookin' good. Egg sized hail sounds like an insurance company nightmare. Or do they just call that "An Act of God" and tell ya to shove those claims?
Do what I did years ago when they tried that with me . First i asked which god. I need to know so I can take him, or her as the case may be to court.