Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just looking at Weather Channel. RRR not kiddin'. Weather in his neighborhood not lookin' good. Egg sized hail sounds like an insurance company nightmare. Or do they just call that "An Act of God" and tell ya to "shove those claims"?
Made good money doing PDR work on hail damaged cars. Should load up my tools and head that way but think at my age I'll leave it to the younger generation.
Hope the storm isn't bad hate to see anyone get hurt.
I decided I wanted my hair cut like Dad in about the 3rd grade, Crew Cut. One walk past a window at school seeing my reflection, "Kids with chubby round faces shouldn't get Crew Cuts" I thought :lol:
I'm a military brat. All through my childhood I had nothing but flat tops. Lol
Just looking at Weather Channel. RRR not kiddin'. Weather in his neighborhood not lookin' good. Egg sized hail sounds like an insurance company nightmare. Or do they just call that "An Act of God" and tell ya to "shove those claims"?
Naw, they're pretty good about it. We've not had any hail here yet. So far all the bad stuff has been concentrated south of us. We're just gettin rain and thunder so far.
Funny how languages take slang terms of other languages and have a legitimate use for them :lol:
Dong, pretty obvious in American :lol:
GM good at it with their model names. Add an "r" to Vega and you have slang for male private parts :lol:. Nova, puta space in there "no va" means won't go :lol:
Funny how languages take slang terms of other languages and have a legitimate use for them :lol:
Dong, pretty obvious in American :lol:
GM good at it with their model names. Add an "r" to Vega and you have slang for male private parts :lol:. Nova, puta space in there "no va" means won't go :lol:
They have had the Vietnamese Dong in Vietnam for much longer than we have been using slang in America. Kkkkkkkk
How about an alternator and a radiator on an '08 Chevy Equinox. Not fun.

Well now that I am retired I got to say I read a million books and watched dozens of podcasts on how to survive retirement. I can honestly say I got the best advice right here on FABO from @ZMan67S I stop working every day at 1600 hrs. It will all be there tomorrow! Sometimes ya just got to go low brow. Pouring a cool refreshing toddy!
