Stop in for a cup of coffee

Wow A P.J. friend sent me this from Bashur Iraq in 03. Never had a copy of it.

bashure 03.jpg
Got that reversed. Funny route we took to get there since our Turkish friends would not let us fly across thier border!
Co-worker was workin for M&K construction when the Saudis started drillin for oil. M&K was doin the pipelines. Work 10 days dark to dark. Get on the plane to Greece for 4 days of R&R. They lived in shipping container kinda thing that just got drug across the desert by tractors to keep them close to their ever moving worksites.
Go see my Army surplus friend to get some more plastic bins for Carlisle. Hey I got something for you. Hands me a NOS black ECU. Take it they are getting 100 for them. No wonder I give him Ford stuff all the time. Carma baby!
So Wife goes to the doc yesterday. The blazer stops. She gets it towed to Matts house. Think she seized the motor some how. Great all I need.
I get it. Always a bed here for you if needed.
Appreciate that. I guess I just got old really fast.
The last 6 months between two major operations and now the blood clot issue has really beat me down.
I managed to get a ride last week just to get out for a bit stopped at Matt's house for maybe 10 minutes . I could barely walk up the 3 steps to his front door.
Good morning guys. Back to work today. Should be interesting. Playing catch up for a while for sure.
So Wife goes to the doc yesterday. The blazer stops. She gets it towed to Matts house. Think she seized the motor some how. Great all I need.
At least it’s a Chevy, they basically pay you to take their engines