Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well, I'm running down the road
Tryin' to loosen my load
I've got seven women on my mind
Four that wanna own me
Two that wanna stone me
One says she's a friend of mine.

I'm just going to sit back and relax today.
Yesterday was a good day. My two boys stopped in, so four grandsons with them.
More phone call well wishes then I can count around twenty I fixure.
Where are the chalk blocks?????

That's too cool.
Hoist the car.
Beats the trench. Can't think of the name for them.
Good morning. Made a dent yesterday until I found where at least one possum is living. I moved the bell housing and he was staring back at me. I ran out of there with my boots smoking like in the cartoons.

I found out that the 2 blocks under the house are mopar need to get info from them.

Couple mopar heads on the bench but I have not unburied them yet. Still lots to do
Good morning. Made a dent yesterday until I found where at least one possum is living. I moved the bell housing and he was staring back at me. I ran out of there with my boots smoking like in the cartoons.

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Possums are actually awesome little animals and don't really mess with much.. just wanna get on with life... hope it moved along without issue..
Good morning. Made a dent yesterday until I found where at least one possum is living. I moved the bell housing and he was staring back at me. I ran out of there with my boots smoking like in the cartoons.

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It was likely more scared of you. Never dealt with one up close, but pretty sure if you just give it a path out, it wouldn't bother you.

Good Morning