Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well, back from the Mt (Pettit Jean Mt) had the best turn out they have had in 6 years I believe, 27 thousand steps in two day straight. :thumbsup: rested up Saturday and Father's day, hope to keep moving today.






DNR did studies and found no ticks in their diet
Seems that is almost true...
I had heard the thing about them eating 1000's of ticks before also. Found this article. Says 'not a substantial part of there diet' Compares to bats eating mosquitoes. Apparently also BS. They both will eat these insects. And if that's all they can get, will eat loads of them. But not their favorite menu item. Like going to a picnic with only hot dogs. "Everybody ate them!" But if you put out burgers they are usually going down first. LOL
Opossums & Ticks - are they really eating those 8-legged pests? — Severson Dells Nature Center
Yeah, i heard the tick thing is not true also... i still prefer them to groundhogs and raccoons and **** though.. sick of groundhogs digging up my yard.. no matter how many you kill there are more. This year i have voles also... wtf...

P.S. i remember the first time i saw a possum, i grew up across from a chrysler plant and a possum was hanging on the fence sleeping, my dad (he was an asshole) went over with a .22 and shot it from like 5ft away, this thing turned it's head... hissed and went back to sleep.. i was like DAMN.... little badass :)

I read some plans they had the other day. Back fill the hole enough to pave the 3 outer lanes north and south. Construct the over pass for the inner 3 lanes each side. Switch traffic to the overpasses and then do the outer lanes. Concrete gotta cure, so at least 2 months after the first concrete hits the forms.
Exactly which is why I’m trying to figure out their two week claim
Matt was looking for one of those starter relays . Nice haul Mike !
Remind me who our friend Matt is please
THat is a nice haul Mike.
Thank you Mike, had a real good crowd, I was there Thursday morning and Friday morning, be first to grab stuff up. Hit a few cool old back woods flea markets..wife did good
CalTrans did some experimenting on a section of Pacific Coast Highway with some concrete they wanted to get traffic on the next day. I really wanted to be in on that since our ready mix plant was makin the stuff, no I had to make blacktop instead :lol:
I mean I guess if they use some of the Army 3D concrete maybe, but that stuff has proven to deteriorate in weeks to ash
I'm guessing they are using faster curing mix than ussual. Of course, the tradoff is it will not be nearly as durable. They just need it to last through the time it takes to do the other lanes. At least it will be easy to demo when the time comes. LOL

60 feet of bridge I can pick up almost anywhere

Morning got a buddy dropping by to buy some parts for a car he just got. Then more mowing, weeds are going nuts growing faster then I can get them cut down.
Morning got a buddy dropping by to buy some parts for a car he just got. Then more mowing, weeds are going nuts growing faster then I can get them cut down.
Same here in northeast Arkansas