Stop in for a cup of coffee

One of my usual girls hanging out.

Done my seeding after a trip to the store. I did a little more down sizing of this flower bed. Probably about a foot. I didn’t have enough seed to finish earlier anyway. Taking into consideration the overall size of the wheelbarrow top, I think that brief storm gave us about 1/2 inch of water.

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do you know what they call a person who mixes cement in a wheel barrel with a pitchfork
At Supposed to be getting storms anytime but it’s blue skies for miles
Well I spoke too soon. Skies churned fast, multil tornadoes all around me on base. Course it was right at the end of the day and I’d let everyone go already :BangHead: :BangHead: Luckily no damage tobase. But we did watch them go to the north, lots of destruction up there I guess.


Man I thought the e body guys were bad look at the low signal vac can thread on FBBO. I tried to be as civil as I can be.
