Stop in for a cup of coffee

All the Canadians out here .:canada:
been a long time since I've been a even a semi-regular payroll.
Been either taking from savings or writing invoices and depositing checks at the end of a project
The contracts are usually 3 years and that was during the beginning of Covid the last one was signed. Yep I am state.
Interesting, different than what I am used to. Didn’t know that about your job. Are all the state facilities like that in PA or depending on individual joints?
The one for the teachers are the same as all teachers in PA. The officers have theirs and the rest of the staff has theirs but these two are based on each other
Wow 3 different ones in just the one you work at? That was always a pain in the ***, they were like 3 individuals never agreeing with each other in my experience
Nope not that I know of
I dunno. I thought union membership has to vote on authorizing a strike before leadership can call one.
usually when negotiations aren't getting anywhere and they need to demosntrate its time to get serious.
Maybe the rules vary depending on the bylaws.