Stop in for a cup of coffee

Didn't realize they were taking that from us. I know I saw it for sale recently here. Think I still have most of a can in the cabinet...
It seems to clean well.
I like how bottom left on the can about eye warning. If you read it thought its 95% about toxic vapors.
Anyway, I have been breathing that, and eating raw sirloin since forever. Na na no no Mad .ca cow disease, or Neurologial para para problems with me.
Just an occasional stutter and twitch issue.
I dunno. I thought union membership has to vote on authorizing a strike before leadership can call one.
usually when negotiations aren't getting anywhere and they need to demosntrate its time to get serious.
Maybe the rules vary depending on the bylaws
It seems to clean well.
I like how bottom left on the can about eye warning. If you read it thought its 95% about toxic vapors.
Anyway, I have been breathing that, and eating raw sirloin since forever. Na na no no Mad .ca cow disease, or Neurologial para para problems with me.
Just an occasional stutter and twitch issue.
Not recommended for storing contact lenses… :lol:
We didn't even know it was happening until someone called Security to tell them.
Thing is I don't think we can just strike and NOT work. You as the public wouldn't want the kids to be unguarded
It seems to clean well.
I like how bottom left on the can about eye warning. If you read it thought its 95% about toxic vapors.
Anyway, I have been breathing that, and eating raw sirloin since forever. Na na no no Mad .ca cow disease, or Neurologial para para problems with me.
Just an occasional stutter and twitch issue.

I am wondering if we are going to go on strike. Our contract ended last night
Them things are never fun. When I was a kid and my Dad's trade went out on strike it meant vacation to somewhere, Canada a couple times. Last time I personally had to walk a picket line, my local union paid me to do so.
I think if I picket I go to jail. We are trying to determine if the law says we have to cater to the kids. I am sure the Governor will say it even if it isn't there
I think if I picket I go to jail. We are trying to determine if the law says we have to cater to the kids. I am sure the Governor will say it even if it isn't there
Thought people got smarter but old tactics still persist. Say whatever they think will bully or push their position. Iit doesn't matter if its true or not unless they are under oath. I think it wastes a lot of time and leaves a bad taste in everyones mouth but we see it all too frequently. Hopefully yours doesn't go there.
Very seldom did we strike. Numerous times we worked without a contract while negotiations proceeded. We got caught at work behind a "Wildcat strike" from the pipe fitter's union, something about the source of the pipe the contractor was using on the job. No biggie except we were on the most remote part of Vandenberg AFB and the picketers had the only exit blocked. Didn't have to cut any locks to make our escape, my co-worker had a cigar box filled with runaway padlock keys :lol: Saw a lot of California civilians will never see during our escape :lol: