Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning tossing all night so finally gave up and came out to see what's up with you all.
Bi-yearly VA physical and blood work this morning. With my weight loss I'm expecting some positive changes with the blood work.
Back feels better but still a few more days before I get back to my regular
Plus with the 100 plus daily temps this week it's a good week to stay inside.
Sweet that's definitely a keeper and love the color looks like your husband has a good taste in cars.
Would give him a bad time for owning a Chevy but I like it.
Donn't tell him I said that.
Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Plus I don’t need him getting a big ego. :lol:
So Timmy is on the way to wally world Ugh I mean Dolly wood! Good visit did not get chance to say good bye heat kicked my arse yesterday and took a nap woke up and he was gone this AM! Dam I am old!
Hey Timmy GPS sometimes you might have missed the re-loads...:lol: safe travels buddy!!

Guys in the Guard with me in HI used to 4wd the cliffs over the oceans, man that was insane. Went once only! Truck usually had three wheels on the ground. They had some big Kahunas for sure. Look down 1000 feet to the ocean!
Who is the in a strip mine now in Tennessee that my boss own and I was pulling heavy equipment up out of itWho is the in a strip mine now in Tennessee that my boss own and I was pulling heavy equipment
Who is the in a strip mine now in Tennessee that my boss own and I was pulling heavy equipment up out of itWho is the in a strip mine now in Tennessee that my boss own and I was pulling heavy equipment
Something special in your coffee this morning...:poke::lol: