Stop in for a cup of coffee

I am definately scaling back next year just smalls and a few examples of distributors. Way to hard on me now. Hell I have a month ahead of me cleaning distributors up easily!
Raise prices, and free shipping. Everybody loves free shipping. Some of us would be inelegible though.
Thunderin out there. Supposed to get hot, 85 ish today.
With the heavy smoke, morning light is way different than usual
Not sure what would fit in the car Scott. I had Clifford's in the Valiant... heard good things about Doug's. I'm not a big block guy though. Ceramic coating is the thing

I looked at TTI as well.... not sure of opinion

Eric might know

Likely late to this convo, but do you want chassis headers or fenderwell headers? Not sure with a hemi if you can even do fenderwell headers. I am not sure what works best for hemis in these. Sorry
Raise prices, and free shipping. Everybody loves free shipping. Some of us would be inelegible though.
I have way more orders than what I sold. Just have to get them to the point that I can find them 500 of them laying on the shelves.
Whats funny actually sold some of the aluminum tags for a few that I had from strippers yesterday.
Had both rat rods out yesterday. Put about 25 miles on my boys car. So far so good.

Spending time in shop and quonset today,trying to get some stuff organized for doing sheet metal work. Hanging out with friends last night, Dan is talking about building a sidecar for his motorcycle. Hes also wanting a bike hauler truck. So there is going to be some interesting stuff happening here.. I hope.
Well I got to get ready to head to Cleveland today. Both K9s going to kennel. Most of the kennels here local will not take GSDs. Arghh. I get it but it is a pain in the butt. I am worried the pup will not get exercised enough and will expend the unused energy in a negative way tormenting Hemi. i have to exercise the Mal hard about three hours a day to keep the insanity down to a dull roar. And I mean I got to work her, I use the four wheeler, a mountain and a frisbee! Our boy is getting married Friday. I told Jodi I am going to spend Thursday at Camp Perry for the National rifle matches this week. It was a compromise! Woo Hoo!
Spending time in shop and quonset today,trying to get some stuff organized for doing sheet metal work. Hanging out with friends last night, Dan is talking about building a sidecar for his motorcycle. Hes also wanting a bike hauler truck. So there is going to be some interesting stuff happening here.. I hope.
Building a side car sounds like fun. I have a friend that wants me to build a custom body for his golf cart so I might have a fun project next winter.
Had both rat rods out yesterday. Put about 25 miles on my boys car. So far so good.

So looks like you got front end brakes and suspension sorted out? I wear ear plugs when I drive the Demon and from the sounds of the video (great video) I bet I would have to wear ear plugs as well. I am trying desperately to keep what little hearing I have left!
Spending time in shop and quonset today,trying to get some stuff organized for doing sheet metal work. Hanging out with friends last night, Dan is talking about building a sidecar for his motorcycle. Hes also wanting a bike hauler truck. So there is going to be some interesting stuff happening here.. I hope.
You will have to load that on your channel for sure
Ordered a new alternator for my Scamp from Summit yesterday and looks like it could be here as early as tomorrow.
Not going to hold my breath though.
So looks like you got front end brakes and suspension sorted out? I wear ear plugs when I drive the Demon and from the sounds of the video (great video) I bet I would have to wear ear plugs as well. I am trying desperately to keep what little hearing I have left!
It really isn't bad in the car, sound wise. Yes, steering, brakes, seals, overheating, and run issues seem to be in order for now. It is working very well. It is a blast to drive. I truly like it much more than mine - grrrrrr. Mine will have to go back in the garage for updates
Well I got to get ready to head to Cleveland today. Both K9s going to kennel. Most of the kennels here local will not take GSDs. Arghh. I get it but it is a pain in the butt. I am worried the pup will not get exercised enough and will expend the unused energy in a negative way tormenting Hemi. i have to exercise the Mal hard about three hours a day to keep the insanity down to a dull roar. And I mean I got to work her, I use the four wheeler, a mountain and a frisbee! Our boy is getting married Friday. I told Jodi I am going to spend Thursday at Camp Perry for the National rifle matches this week. It was a compromise! Woo Hoo!
Congratulations and safe travels!
Thank you for everyone's help yesterday, someone came through on the wanted ad and had the door handle escutcheons that I needed.
Wouldn't making an exhaust be better than ear plugs?

My reference is for cars that I race. Not full time street cars.