Stop in for a cup of coffee

Not much on the farm agenda today, spread a couple loads of dirt and repair three point where I bounced it into pieces going over a bunch of rocks perhaps a wee bit to fast? Laying low and trying to get shoulder operational again. Might as well use the crap out of it until they replace it.

You want value for your money. Like eating a box of Oreos and drinking espresso before going to the dentist for a cleaning
Not much on the farm agenda today, spread a couple loads of dirt and repair three point where I bounced it into pieces going over a bunch of rocks perhaps a wee bit to fast? Laying low and trying to get shoulder operational again. Might as well use the crap out of it until they replace it.
Yep cuzz, do everything you need to get done that you can't do with one hand, believe me, it will be a few months of smart therapy to get you near turning a tractor steering wheel.
Go get em cuz!
don’t forget to water the garden today!
Did that yesterday, tomatoes like to have there roots near dried out for one day, will water again tomorrow so I can take a break from that.
Yep cuzz, do everything you need to get done that you can't do with one hand, believe me, it will be a few months of smart therapy to get you near turning a tractor steering wheel.
One hand? Nope, not going there! :rofl: :rofl: :poke:
Good morning. Tuff to keep up, hell of a backread. Another day of hot and dry I'm Oklahoma. Maybe get the boat polished up this evening. That's my entire goal for today.
It's Falcon Friday!


Good morning :D
Good morning. Tuff to keep up, hell of a backread. Another day of hot and dry I'm Oklahoma. Maybe get the boat polished up this evening. That's my entire goal for today.
Yep ! Thats plenty for a day, I detailed a 19ft bass boat a few years back, hull was back breaking and that wasn't even half of the job. Have a dandy day :thumbsup:
Not much on the farm agenda today, spread a couple loads of dirt and repair three point where I bounced it into pieces going over a bunch of rocks perhaps a wee bit to fast? Laying low and trying to get shoulder operational again. Might as well use the crap out of it until they replace it.
How are the doggies doing after your trip?