Stop in for a cup of coffee

All of y'all with Wasp problems, the wasp foaming spay is the best, me, I hung these in my shop, they Do Not build a nest in here, Hornets eat them. It works as well as shaping a paper bag to look like a Hornets nest as well, see it hanging on a 2x4 up high.. it works I tell yeah

Good morning this retiree has been sitting on the porch in my lawn chair drinking coffee and watching the grass grow in the cool morning air.
They actually did quite well. Hemi has been kenneled a time or two so she knows the drill. The little dog takes her cues from the big one. I paid extra and did the VIP kennel so they could bunk together. It worked great. They have no issue sharing water as they see that as neutral ground. Food however they will not share nor will they poach food from each other. Once they establish whose bowl is whose it is all good. They lady that runs the kennel loved them. She is the only one around here that will board GSDs or BMs. She loved the ability to use hand commands for obedience. And also the opportunity to just leave big bowls full of food knowing the dogs will meter their own food intake. She gets a lot of labs so slow feed bowls and specified diet regimes are the norm for her! We will use her again for sure. Hundred pound Shepard’s freak folks out, and she was very comfortable with them.
So glad you found someone , always hard wiht GSD's ! I bet they missed you !!!
All of y'all with Wasp problems, the wasp foaming spay is the best, me, I hung these in my shop, they Do Not build a nest in here, Hornets eat them. It works as well as shaping a paper bag to look like a Hornets nest as well, see it hanging on a 2x4 up high.. it works I tell yeah

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What did you hang, the paper bag?
You folks probably don't care but this is a easy way to get photos from my phone to my laptop. I think these 2 will work well together. The ol
Iver Johnson Champion .410 cleaned up pretty nice. A little WD-40 made the action smooth and the ejector work every time. The bluing is even quite nice.





Just got back from town. I know I bought the winning mega millon ticket so save your money. Front end friday?

Good morning everyone. Took today off also. Still working thru the new meds. Got a referral for next week to see a specialist.
Well, nothing kills motivation like a summer cold. Coughing, sneezing, congestion and nose running like a faucet. If it isnt one thing, its another..:BangHead:
You folks probably don't care but this is a easy way to get photos from my phone to my laptop. I think these 2 will work well together. The ol
Iver Johnson Champion .410 cleaned up pretty nice. A little WD-40 made the action smooth and the ejector work every time. The bluing is even quite nice.

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Mike, this topic has been beat to death but WD 40 is not good for gun actions long term. It’s primary function is Water Displacement not exactly what you want as it will become sticky in long term storage on a firearm. But it is a great short term solution.