Stop in for a cup of coffee

Sure you'll will understand I don't feel its right to post photos of people, especially minors, without thier knowledge. Maybe I'm old fashioned but don't seem right especially in the age of internet. Their crew leader takes lots of photos but that's all with their approval and within organization.

Had them take th eweight poles and shingles off this hut. We're going to salvage as many as possible. Learning to remove nailed parts without breaking is a good skill to learn - harder than building.



And a lot of them seem to like breaking up the fireplace, sorting and the regrading.
Sure you'll will understand I don't feel its right to post photos of people, especially minors, without thier knowledge. Maybe I'm old fashioned but don't seem right especially in the age of internet. Their crew leader takes lots of photos but that's all with their approval and within organization.

Had them take th eweight poles and shingles off this hut. We're going to salvage as many as possible. Learning to remove nailed parts without breaking is a good skill to learn - harder than building.
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And a lot of them seem to like breaking up the fireplace, sorting and the regrading.
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You don’t know how close I am to building my own cabin out of trees on my property
Well at great risk to my reputation , and being stone cold sober. At an event one night. Someone said if you want a good story, just ask Wolfie. He has one for any occasion, and if he doesnt.
He will make up a damn convincing one on the spot.