Stop in for a cup of coffee

I kick *** on adult coloring books though! I tried bob ross painting and **** that guy... it's your own world of muddy brown paint... bah :)

bob and sublime.jpg
I found a few treasures when I took out the glove box this afternoon. I don’t think that medicine packet is any good anymore.



Just so ya all know Sublime one and I lived in the same small town of Elma Washington and then in Graham Washington that he and his brother had a motorcycle shop in.

Never met each other till John and I both moved to North Dakota.
Very well done Sir. Lots of talent.
Both of you guys do. I draw stick figures. So does a classmate of mine but he is a cartoonist. He started back in Jr. High. I remember him drawing the same figures 55 years ago.

Well, rested all afternoon, feels like i was thrown down a flight of stairs. Guess i needed it. The rest i mean..