Stop in for a cup of coffee

Thru the doors I go and the Sanctuary is eerily quiet, row upon row of empty seat, I turn and make my way along the wall to the steps leading down to the basement. With courage and determination I take those first steps, the passageway slowly but inexplicably grows ever brighter. As I emerge from the corridor the smell of burnt stale coffee washes over me. As I gaze longingly at the table with the obligatory stale doughnuts and cookies I grudgingly approach the circle of wood chairs ancient and tottering. I take my place in the circle looking at each individual gathered around. The orator starts with an opening but I cannot hear it as the wind is rushing thru my ears. My brain is roaring, telling me to flee. Invariably the momentum of the circle bears down on me. With glazed eyes and a solemn oath I reply “ Hello, my name is John, I eat crayons” In unison, as one, they reply Hi John.
Hey y'all.
I know I'm new here and all, but life changed yesterday for my wife and I and so much so for our friend and neighbor. He's 77 and yesterday he lost everything.
Careful please of sparks and cigarettes. His ashtray OUTSIDE caught fire.
My wife was in the kitchen at his place when she smelled smoke. She went to the door to go see wtf and was greated with a wall of fire and smoke. By the time she ran to the living room and grabbed him and a wheelchair and hauled *** out the front door down the stairs she was chased by the flames.
Total loss. His entire life and that of his late parents, gone in an instant. Pension not enough to keep up insurance.
He now lives with us.
Stage 4 pancreatic. Doesn't have long left and now has nothing.
Please, be careful and take care.

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That is awful. My heart breaks for him. Thank goodness your wife was there and that both of you are able to look after him.
so fred last i was reading you were working on a rusty pick up for a friend.
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Ok I also have an oilpan queston if anyone can help me . would this oil pan fit an A-body with big block .
