Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning thanks for taking on the calendar project.
Of course, now with all the birthdays and email addresses you'll have your also now in charge of birthday cards and gifts...:lol:
Lol. Does this mean you all will start distributing wish lists also?
I have until 1030 before we have to leave for Seatlle for wife's surgery. Week day so log splitter time, I'll be nice and not start until 0800
Wish we could out here for security camera purposes, happy enough with Dish when they aren't fighting with networks, still haven't had NBC for months.
Hey Mitch, how's your projects going?
Slow but sure, I guess the tractor engine is the priority now. Removed it from the Deere yesterday. Needs cam gear and who knows what. Will know after tear down. Harley is giving me fits. Almost started the other day, but now I find no spark. So I'll check the Ign output device and the coils today..I'll get it...Just takes time...I gots plenty of time......
Slow but sure, I guess the tractor engine is the priority now. Removed it from the Deere yesterday. Needs cam gear and who knows what. Will know after tear down. Harley is giving me fits. Almost started the other day, but now I find no spark. So I'll check the Ign output device and the coils today..I'll get it...Just takes time...I gots plenty of time......
Is that the engine with plastic in the wrong places, weird.