Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's Sublime Sunday!


Good morning :D
Year for some reason the back is the worst
Scott the issue I have always had is they are out side in the weather. Just like yard art you dont care about them till you need them. Around here everyone uses waste oil on them and get years out of them.
Had a flashback this morning. In my youth, as volunteers we would raise $ and go to Mexico and build houses for some of the locals that were living in sheds made of tarps and cardboard. They were well researched before we did such, had to be the property owner, their kids had to be enrolled in school, had to be employed, etc. Tijuana and Ensenada were our target areas. All volunteer labor, some experienced, some not so much :rolleyes:. We had plans, material lists to follow for the construction, and daylight for 1 day for the build. Heck I spent 2 days helping to make 800 dozen Tamales for one of the fund raisers :rofl: and of course the Santa Maria style BBQ fund raisers in a parking lot along Broadway in town. They weren't fancy, but beat the heck out of living in an over sized cardboard box.


I hope they do well in that storm. I'm too old to be doing that again. The ones we built were not on concrete as that one is. Ours were start to finish done in 1 day.
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