Stop in for a cup of coffee

Who do we know in Hanover?

Cruising along at 39k waiting on my drink thought I’d give you all a shout. :thumbsup:
So Cheryl was chatting with the flight attendant as people boarded. With our ticket we got a free drink and I asked for Jack Daniels. The gal asks if I bring you two will you drink it…well ya I’m on vacation.
Think I told you all that I tweaked a hip muscle between lifting and golf earlier this week. I got into the chiropractor yesterday for a dry needle treatment. He put five needles into the muscle area and gives it a 90 second electric jolt. I’d say stimulation but know what you all would do with that. Anyway walked out feeling better and less than 24 hours feel 100% better. This is the third time I’ve done one and highly recommend them. So much better than fighting a tight or pulled muscle for a week or two. Best $40 I spent!!
Think I told you all that I tweaked a hip muscle between lifting and golf earlier this week. I got into the chiropractor yesterday for a dry needle treatment. He put five needles into the muscle area and gives it a 90 second electric jolt. I’d say stimulation but know what you all would do with that. Anyway walked out feeling better and less than 24 hours feel 100% better. This is the third time I’ve done one and highly recommend them. So much better than fighting a tight or pulled muscle for a week or two. Best $40 I spent!!

Only doc I've seen in a over a decade is a Chiropractor... gave up on the System.
They can do amazing things…I’m a believer!!

My personal decision was that the hardest thing to do is be healthy... short of injury/ breaking things in accidents... but even then, being healthy allows you to recover. Went to an MD and realized that he was working off of an ageist script and trying to find a drug to give me not giving life advice that would allow me to not have to come back and see him.

F U buddy...

If every time I go to a mechanic he just breaks or weakens things so I have to keep coming back... why would I keep going there?

Others may have different experiences.

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My personal decision was that the hardest thing to do is be healthy... short of injury/ breaking things in accidents... but even then, being healthy allows you to recover. Went to an MD and realized that he was working off of an ageist script and trying to find a drug to give me not giving life advice that would allow me to not have to come back and see him.

F U buddy...

If every time I go to a mechanic he just breaks or weakens things so I have to keep coming back... why would I keep going there?

Others may have different experiences.

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Best commercial Iv'e herd in a long time.:thumbsup:
My personal decision was that the hardest thing to do is be healthy... short of injury/ breaking things in accidents... but even then, being healthy allows you to recover. Went to an MD and realized that he was working off of an ageist script and trying to find a drug to give me not giving life advice that would allow me to not have to come back and see him.

F U buddy...

If every time I go to a mechanic he just breaks or weakens things so I have to keep coming back... why would I keep going there?

Others may have different experiences.

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Been waiting since may for a ct scan. Been suffering all this time, hard to work and pay bills and beating up the liver with way too much over the counter meds. I double dose and it at least takes the edge off. Lots of difficult walking over the last week,had to do it though.
Sitting at port, waiting to vacate the ship. Has to be done in some sort of order,2600 all at once would be a clusterfuck.

Then our friend will tour us around Vancouver for the day. Stanley park is on Kimmies list.
Sitting at port, waiting to vacate the ship. Has to be done in some sort of order,2600 all at once would be a clusterfuck.

Then our friend will tour us around Vancouver for the day. Stanley park is on Kimmies list.
If Kelowna is not on fire, that's a nice place to visit while you're there.
Sitting at port, waiting to vacate the ship. Has to be done in some sort of order,2600 all at once would be a clusterfuck.

Then our friend will tour us around Vancouver for the day. Stanley park is on Kimmies list.
Cooled down a bunch in the mornings around here was 48* this morning and heavy fog the last 3 days so be prepared when you get off the plane Frank.