Stop in for a cup of coffee

Office aparrently wont clean itself. So i went and got ice to keep porky cool overnight, and an extra (full) propane tank. Guy tried to give me an empty one.
No, i said. I think my empty weighs more.
$30 for a bbq tank….

Tank swap in the area is $20 - $25 depending on location...
Hardy har har

On a related note, looks like all the 60 gallon compressors are freaking 208-240V. I don’t have that in this barn turned shop. Ugh
im not going in the city for a few weeks. ill try to get a pic. of the old upright in the paint room.its just there for show. the tank is half inch riveted plate
I have an old 60 gallon craftsman brand tank but it’s been sitting outside for years, not sure I trust it. Granted it’s sealed up but still. I think I’d rather go new if I’m gonna go to that trouble. Plus this little 1/4 hp motor and compressor would burn itself out trying to fill that
New tanks (only) are expensive. How about an old LP tank?
im not going in the city for a few weeks. ill try to get a pic. of the old upright in the paint room.its just there for show. the tank is half inch riveted plate
Damn what’s it off of ? A battleship?

Had to go grocery shopping today and get a hair cut so climbed in the Scamp drove the 50 miles to the store. I hate shopping but was a great trip in the old buggy.