Stop in for a cup of coffee

Got my own plans for a trailer and want something a bit different because I am a bit different and being somewhat senile and having a warped since of humor should be a nice camper to fit me well. Still would like to build my own motor home instead but I really don't have the money to do that.
Here you go Fred !
Damn. One thing about a smoker is that you can not predict when the cook will be done. I started the Brisket ar 7 am and it it a couple hours away from being done. ANd, the longer it rests, the better it is. I have wrapped a brisket and put it in a cooler overnight and it WAS OVER THE TOP AND STILL WARM THE NEXT NOON. oPPS, CAPS LOCK BUTTON! :rofl: :rofl:
I had a big pork butt smokin' in our abandoned QC lab right across from the asphalt plant. I was there about 03:30 to get it all started and done for a Christmas Party that evening. Smelled great. Unfortunately the aroma traveled to the rock plant as well. I opened up the smoker when it was done to put it away in the cooler/insulated box to take it home. I immediately noticed that about 1/3 of the roast had mysteriously disappeared :lol: After Christmas the rock plant lunches that were left in the refrigerator for the day were mysteriously vandalized :eek::rolleyes::lol:
Smoked Fish

fish of choice
Coarse ground black pepper
garlic salt
light brown sugar
Salt and Sugar mixture
2/3 cup salt to 1 lbs. light brown sugar
mix thoroughly

Layer fish and sugar mixture in baking pan, sugar mixture first
sprinkle sugar mix on top of the stack
Refrigerate over night.
Rinse fish with water twice
Sprinkle fish with garlic salt and coarse ground black pepper
place in smoker for 3 hours
turn fish and re-season with pepper and garlic salt
3 hours more in smoker

View attachment 1716137152 I use Apple wood for the smoke and it's very tasty
Use wood of choice. Watch it Karl! This is a recipe for fish not an attempt at humor :lol:

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I can’t believe I didn’t think to use my grill as a smoker?!? It even came with a smoke box. I’m dumb
You can. You need a smoke tube but it burns out fast and you have to refill and relight every hour. A charcoal grill can be loaded with briquittes to burn for a few hours.

Its late but I had to pop in just to say the red fish runs again. Ended up pulling the airhorn off the 2 barrel just to be sure the bowl was clean and floats were still doing as they were supposed to. Got a nice shot from the accelerator pump. Proud of my progress and my sweet ol' girls (included Ms. Jackie who was right there with me the whole time). She'll help with the washing the other ol' girl and more tomorrow.
Cheers mates :)
Psh you all having fancy dinners and I’m over here eating rice and beans cause I missed supper working on the car and didn’t feel like reheating the left overs