Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning all .

Went and saw the plastic surgeon yesterday best in the Midwest. He agreed that I need some eye work done. I have excessive eyelid skin enough to impact my vision. I learned that the skin excess I have under the eyes is not covered by insurance and considered cosmetic. He said he can take care of it in the same procedure, but I'd have to pay for that part. Well to do the eye lid and leave the bottom half would look a little weird so ya we'll do it. Surgery in about five weeks I'll just have a couple black eyes foe a couple weeks.
My friend Ted has that done. No worries.
Holy hell… Sparky solved an electrical issue without destroying anything!!! See I can learn, just slowly

The old grain truck has been having major issues for a year now. Finally was able to trace the wires thru the harness and found two broke wires. Lucky it didn’t burn.
Funny ting there. Maricopa County (Phoenix metro area) Az has stricter smog laws than does Cal. We hafta do SMOG back to '76 they hafta inspect back to '65.
Did you not see the new law CA is trying to pass? To limit when, where and how much a classic car can be driven…
States are moving to mileage tax because gas tax revenue is dropping due to EVs
We just charge the EV's more for yearly registration. Gasser still pay road use tax at the pump. Trucks at higher rates as the gvw goes up.
How are they going to enforce that.
Not sure but SCCA, SEMA and others are all up in arms over it. From what I’ve read on the emails those two sent out, the state is gonna say you can only drive them in certain areas and certain times, then track mileage via yearly inspections.
We’re a hundred years away from this area ever being fully electric. Most of the farms around here are running 50 year old tractors and such. I don’t see those ever going away