Stop in for a cup of coffee

just needs an offensive line.

Asian breakfast today. Fried rice with shrimp. She makes really good fried rice. Of course you see the watermelon. And in her bowl, is miniature octopuses. She loves that stuff. I won't eat it.

Good morning, think I'll organize the garage today so I can at least see the top of my work bench.
Glad im able to be the source of entertainment today.
Brain is busy planning my day and next few days to come.
Well, time to get after it. Should be a fun filled day. Thinking i should buy a smoke detector, throw it in passenger compartment while im welding under car. And set up my ladder and a spray bottle with water.
You people have been busy this morning. OK i need to get some stuff done. The boss is in a mood this morning, so this should be a fun friday.:BangHead: Ill catch you guys later.
I do try. And usually an hour and then i have bench space.
Believe it or not I have learned over the years to put tools away as I'm working on a project that I know I don't need any more for that project. My shop is still a little bit un organized but I know where everything is and I do have bench space when I need it.
Have another alternator coming this morning for this Hyundai Elantra. Yesterday's two hour job to install a new alternator was futile. The alternator was defective. Only made 11.3 volts. Not happy