Stop in for a cup of coffee

Have another alternator coming this morning for this Hyundai Elantra. Yesterday's two hour job to install a new alternator was futile. The alternator was defective. Only made 11.3 volts. Not happy
Used to be always a couple of lines that could be counted on for minimum redo and come backs. :(
After my last AC-Delco alternator experience I don't know if thats true anymore.
Going to use that photo a bunch!
Good luck with the bidding.
Good morning woke up at 0330 and managed to get back to sleep. Slow start this morning, need coffee and then workout
Saw a pop up add on YouTube yesterday.

Coffee people have a cabinet full of different mugs but only ever use the same one.

So true, so today I thought about that and grabbed a different mug :)
Well, time to get after it. Should be a fun filled day. Thinking i should buy a smoke detector, throw it in passenger compartment while im welding under car. And set up my ladder and a spray bottle with water.
We got a spare smoke detector we could send ya. But then of course what would Jodi use for a cooking timer?
Some mugs are coffee only and others are tea only.

Coffee only mugs include the SCCA mug that can't tolerate direct pour of boiling water for tea. When even China can't make good china gotta wonder...
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We got a spare smoke detector we could send ya. But then of course what would Jodi use for a cooking timer?
This may be our last rain free weekend, of course I'm doing the wood thing lol! Daughter finally got her Elco listed, if doesn't sell by end of month she says she'll get it out of here, once gone I will get on the Duster