Stop in for a cup of coffee

:eek: It could have been Fortys Friday. It was 46° out an hour ago :wtf:
Don't think we hit under 50 last night. Says high 63 for the day. Deciding what i want to get into for my last day off. Been knocking out a bunch of smallish jobs. Got the Ac condenser cleaned out yesterday. Coils werent clogged up or anything -just dirty. Then I opened the compressor side and there was a stack of old paper wasp nests up by the control board. :BangHead:
I was kinda surprised when I went to town yesterday. Sometime since my road trip, gas prices declined $.30/gal.
Wow, Ours was up over $3 a couple days ago.

Our gas prices dropped too that is a surprise
Honestly it should keep dropping. Cut the riches from the middle east countries starting ****. That is their income. Flood the market and cut the funding.
Good Day Mopar Misfits!!!!
All this talk of thrift store shopping this morning around here has got me thinking about shopping. Maybe I'll go shopping with these two ????
Back to the shop. Had to drive Kim to work,as her car was still in town.
So for me, it’s Fargo Friday!
Kids waiting for the school bus were waving, some like the old trucks.
Waiting for the “weld through” primer to dry. I hate that stuff. Necessary evil though.
Morning everyone, got frost on the pumpkins this morning. Dogs had a good time on our walk, back in for more coffee.
Just got back from getting Ethanol free gas. Noticed up front the deer have blasted another one of my new little trees I should have put wire around all of them but I planted 30 on that go around. I'll try to save it with pruning sealant and put a ring around it I guess.