Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ciders have similar issues to wines. Very easy to get sharp vinegery and worse. When done right they can be really dry or really sour or anything between
as far as I've seen in home wine it all sucks so far.
But homemade beer is good if someone like Toolman brews it.
Helped my grandmother move out of her house in 2015 I think it was.

There was cherry wine my grandfather had put up in 1965. Had to run it through a cheese cloth, but Wow.. was that GOOD
They must be headed for Pepper Garcia's :thumbsup:
Yuck with a capital YUCK. My dad made some when I was a teen and I wouldn't drink it just to get drunk.
I couldn’t do it. Even mixing it with something else didn’t help. I’ve had real moonshine and at least when that gets mixed with something it’s good.
I know @Mattax knows of this... but is everyone familiar with the famous "George Washington bar tab"?

The Madeira wine that was the major part of the bill was unique because the trip over to the colonies created a much more potent brew due to the rocking of the ships that used such cargo as ballast.

Yeah.... History. It's so cool
I know @Mattax knows of this... but is everyone familiar with the famous "George Washington bar tab"?

The Madeira wine that was the major part of the bill was unique because the trip over to the colonies created a much more potent brew due to the rocking of the ships that used such cargo as ballast.

Yeah.... History. It's so cool
I didn’t know that but that’s a great story. They never taught that in school.