Stop in for a cup of coffee

What web site are you finding these on??


I amuse myself with butchered ads and misspellings... especially when the name of the item is actually ON the item...


I would like to see the 273 that's in that Valiant. There has got to be some tricks.
Yep, me to Mike, the six shooter I hear is crazy fast also, but this 273 in Victory has something going on under the hood thats for sure :thumbsup:
MoPar NOS A Body Light Package Key switch buzzer is $$$$$
MoPar NOS A Body Light Package Key switch buzzer is $$$$$
Always liked the timed key light idea. I think the option came ouyt in '68. Key bezel has a hole for the light.
How the hell do you have snowball fight?
Its gorgeous out right now. Clear, Crisp, Lots of color in the trees. Youse can move south if you want. I'm staying here or moving a bit north.
I wonder if Chris felt this one? Naw, it was in Illinois. 4 hours from Chris.

Late to work, doh! Getting snow tires mounted today since they have more tread/better bite than my all terrains (work truck). Have a Great Day All!