Stop in for a cup of coffee


I'll meet your mechanic yoga and raise you an Irish Yoga...

Just got back to hotel after first full day of armors class. I knew I was a hack but at least now I know to what extent!
Actually most of my junk went well, some of the other guys not so much. I am teamed up with a couple of Deputies that work with our boy. Small world. They are trying to become the Dept armorers. A couple of good guys. I am on my best behavior so I don’t get ratted out!
The wife and I were out shopping. We needed to stop by a favorite Mex restaurant for a gift card for my oldest and his gal friend. WTF, let's have a margarita. It was a good un'. About knocked me on my azz.
Off to a christmas party. Two actually. Going to bail early on one and show up late to the other. So all the hosts can be pissed at us….
The wife and I were out shopping. We needed to stop by a favorite Mex restaurant for a gift card for my oldest and his gal friend. WTF, let's have a margarita. It was a good un'. About knocked me on my azz.
Damn that sounds good, Margarita and a good kick in the ***. :thumbsup:
I stopped at an antique store today and scored a set of glasses there are 4 to each set I couldn’t pass them up

#1 whats so funny
#2 I can't keep up with members and where they work, even on river boats.
I just sent that member a private conversation about the ecu box, can you elaborate?
Sorry man, the notification email ended up in my spam folder. Replied to your pm