Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just got home from picking up Chins daughter at the airport. What a CF. Had to be there at 9:15 a.m.. for those of you who know this area, you know that there's a lot of traffic on the Washington beltway at that time of the morning,and have to travel halfway around the beltway to get to the airport Exit. Usually takes about 45 minutes. Today It took an hour and 50 minutes. Of course Chin was late getting ready to go and I only had a quarter of a tank of gas or less in the car. Was afraid I was going to run out. So, pick up the daughter go to start the car ,doesn't start properly and the check engine light comes on. Shows. I have an eighth of a tank of gas. Lol. I did stop at my regular beer location and get gas and beer on the way home. Now noon here. Half a day wasted. But I'm glad to see my daughter again Lol . Kkkkkk
Did Chin ever end up with her drivers license yet? Apologies if I missed it in the back read. Or lack thereof!
Still hoodie weather here, took Jodi on a four wheeler tour of all the work me and the hounds been doin. She was good till we started going up the mountain, she was on the back and the steering got very easy!
And bet she slapped you silly coming over the top of the hill as you were trying to keep the front wheels on the ground. Yep been there. :lol:
We all know how this will end up. Totally blaming @ZMan67S !
And bet she slapped you silly coming over the top of the hill as you were trying to keep the front wheels on the ground. Yep been there. :lol:
let’s just say I got a free clench like groping!

A local brew house makes this seasonally

It's flavored with them Taco Works seasonings. Taco Works is a local outfit too. Them chips are really good.
Think i have the dash ready to go in. One support bracket was broken, had to cut a piece off old dash and fit it to new dash. I saw some spots i didnt get enough paint, so i touched that up.
Thought I might be interested in this truck...

Then read the total douchebag write up...

P.S. you post one photo from 100 yards away.

Have a nice life
