Stop in for a cup of coffee

Youl shoot your eye out kid!
Off to the hill I go, third day and they're not done yet. Halon system wreck out and install, pretty involved all the way to the pipe threaders/plumbing. Have a Great Day All and don't Whip It lol!
Dash is parked in its new home. Now to figure out all the stuff i unhooked..
I STILL have a Case of 75w rough service bulbs for Automotive drop lights...... :rofl: :rofl:

I wanted a few 100 watters. I have a couple places where a little extra heat is a plus.

Yeah.. they derived a lumen-to-watt ratio that makes it impossible for incandescent to survive

I STILL have a Case of 75w rough service bulbs for Automotive drop lights...... :rofl: :rofl:

Those work great in garage door openers!

What? Not 100watt? I got a nasty burn from a trouble light . I beat the light against the hoist and demanded 75 watts.

Damn those old metal cages would get hot.

New definition of grill marks.

They offer a LED 'bulb pack' that you can put in the trouble lights now that gives off good light and doesn't get so hot.... :eek:

Here's the LED replacement for the trouble light I was talking about the other day...

You remove the cage and it screws into the trouble light base...

I should be tird today... just took my second dump already...

You can't say I don't give two ***** because I already did...

I wonder if I will do another today for the tird turd of the day... :rolleyes:
Well this thread just ended up in the crapper :poke:
But am am really tired I am I am I am!

If you get tired again then you will be re-tired... :BangHead:

You can't re-do something you haven't done already... :realcrazy:

Like you can't recirculate air that hasn't been circulated yet... It has to be circulated before it can be re-circulated...