Stop in for a cup of coffee

I gotta see if I can get the rear drums to release. They’re frozen and makes moving it a pain
Here is mine


Figures, it’s the wife’s birthday and 62 and sunny… could be working on the truck but nooo gotta go shopping lol
It had a 360. My son still has it and uses it for plowing snow and such
Thanks, wondering if it had a BB, there's something to watch out for in BB's from that era, think maybe spark plugs blow out of the block? Think it happened in motorhomes too, maybe 80's 440's.
So we got my daughter a 3D printer for her birthday next week. But I’m reading that due to fumes, they are dangerous to print indoors. So now trying to brain storm an outdoor set up for it. Thinking an exhaust hood and smoke stack with a fan should do the trick.
Thanks, wondering if it had a BB, there's something to watch out for in BB's from that era, think maybe spark plugs blow out of the block? Think it happened in motorhomes too, maybe 80's 440's.
Last 440 was built in 1978.

They had an issue on some of the last motorhome Class C heads with spark plugs and valve seats falling out.
Good morning. Watched the 1970 Darlington Southern 500 to start the day. Back to working on the house shortly, hopefully done before the rain starts.
Thanks, wondering if it had a BB, there's something to watch out for in BB's from that era, think maybe spark plugs blow out of the block? Think it happened in motorhomes too, maybe 80's 440's.
What most people get worried about is the block wall being slightly thinner, like .010 thinner. But what they don’t see is that the later blocks actually had thicker and reinforced main walls, thus negating the need for the exterior walls to be thicker.
It had developed cracked heads so I stole heads from a police engine that my son had. He wasn’t too happy about that but he now owns the whole truck
Thanks, wondering if it had a BB, there's something to watch out for in BB's from that era, think maybe spark plugs blow out of the block? Think it happened in motorhomes too, maybe 80's 440's.
Here's a couple of pics after it was somewhat done, still had rattle can paint I think. I later bought aluminum fenders, new turn signals and had it painted, was pretty slick.

O heck yeah! I am fixing to go to my Dads for dinner this afternoon. Yes in the South Dinner is noon meal supper is evening meal! And brekkie is just plain ole brekkie!
We were always dinner and supper here although I often have lunch and supper! :rofl: