Stop in for a cup of coffee

I already went to the gym this morning...

john jim gym.png
Morning all got to be on the road soon off to the airport and head home. We heard late last night they planned on playing golf this morning. After a 4 inch rain and winds gusting up to 42mph today it didn’t sound like something we’d wanted to do.
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43 and calm this morning, I should go outside and burn a couple lines of leaves while its calm.
Good Morning All! Just got done walking out to the shop in my underwear (hey it's dark, nobody can see me right?). Why would I do that, to check my calendar of course and YEP, I missed it, Happy Belated Birthday Mitch!
Yup, is frosty this morning. Pushing 0°f.lets call it -14C.
Happy Mirthday *****.....I mean Happy Birthday Mitch

Ha ha ha I am so funny and I am sure the Moderators will remove it
Well MNF ought to be a laugher. As if it wasn't bad enough we are playing the Eagles, Drew Lock is starting I believe. Bye Bye playoffs, we prolly wouldn't have won with Geno either but damn!
Another day, another way here on the hill.. Go to town to pick up meds I forgot to get Saturday, actually forgot they close at 1pm..
Weekend spent Christmas shopping, decorating outside of house a little and helping the wife with her "Christmas Village". Lotsa power strips and batteries in that one, I still have to hook up the transformer to the train track but it's close. Have a Great Day All!