Stop in for a cup of coffee

Nothing at all going on here for X mas which is fone just me and the bride, Sure the daughter will stop by for a bit. Just a messed up year
I got tangled up with the picture below last night so missed it all. Gonna be a long day today. For those that care this bottle was very tasty. I had never sampled it before! I will certainly do so again!

What's kind of Funny the daughter brought home a malnourished lamb when she was young. Bottle fed it and it was like a freaking dog. Seriously followed you everywhere. Used to go onto the school bus in the am! Pretty funny watching the driver shoo her off. Had it mated and had two lambs one black one white. I named them Barraaaack and Obaaama! Seriously.
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Thursday will suck with traffic. Going to leave prob dark thirty Pick up Daughter and SIL, Then try to get to the step Moms house house by 1400 and catch up with my step brothers a bit, been years. Services 1600-1800 then out on the road back home. This will suck bad!