Stop in for a cup of coffee

Wow......some cat screen named Dartn440 sure has a sweet 74 dart build.

I was just looking at the thread.

73 + darts look good in silver
Its so amazing how a car can fit in a garage stall ....yet in pieces you need like three stalls. I always amaze at the mess it makes to part a car out. I have been through that rodeo a few times and i need to do it again on a dart that is lacking the piece of paper saying i can ever register it
that's why my car is outside. I use the garage as parts storage and workshop. I spend as much or more time working on the parts than I do on the car itself. Just need to use the nice days out on the car when possible.
There are prob 6-10 in there, they are leftovers from when I was building up the stockpile.
Wow......some cat screen named Dartn440 sure has a sweet 74 dart build.

I was just looking at the thread.

73 + darts look good in silver
yep, check out Woods74 too. he's got a nice DIY build too
As soon as I wake up good I will add to the 8 1/4 rear end thread Hops, every thread I have seen that got started did not get much help.

Don't worry about the others joining in, just post what you have and see how things go...

Keep adding as you learn, it will grow...
Mornin everyone, raining here little over two inches so far. Got water coming in by the wood stove, so that's what I get to do today.
Well kids, I need to get something done today. Big Show and Shine tonight and 4th. Street Cruise tomorrow (weather permitting). I think I'll check out the local Napa for some Christmas tree clips for my new door panels. Those old Mopar clips can be a pain. I'll check in later.
This Thread is on Vacation/Or Overtime....:lol:
Screw it! I'm on vacation! I'm getting the Revel Stoke out and get started. Damn, I'll be sloshed by show and shine time! lol Here's a early shot of us last year.
I think mtngirl disappeared ....looks like she did a drive by car sale and got it sold and hit the dusty ol trail again.

That was a decent valiant too.
I happened to have the link cued for a Facebook response. Love this car and the sound of the teen under the hood with that Whiplash cam!