Stop in for a cup of coffee

I like the profile pic Fred.
So I left the ball game at the 2 minute warning and the Porkers were up by 16. The way the defense was letting Dallas do whatever they wanted in the 2nd half, the Cowgirls musta won in OT.
Lots of back story there Steph. His boy landed it on the road by Fred’s house and taxied over to Fred’s shop! They ripped the wings off pulled it in the shop and Fred painted it. Of course not without some typical Fred shennagins!
Unfortunately I have arrived to the party late. I love that to guys have all these stories. It shows how much you all have been in touch over the years
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Lots of back story there Steph. His boy landed it on the road by Fred’s house and taxied over to Fred’s shop! They ripped the wings off pulled it in the shop and Fred painted it. Of course not without some typical Fred shennagins!
That first picture I posted in the air was landing by your place in Fargo. I waved when we passed your house. HO! and I did stop buy to see you and drink all you booze. :thumbsup:
Steph, i met John and Jodi when they came to Winnipeg for a hockey game. Drove in and had breakfast with them. Was an awesome visit.

I met Johnny mac at Sema. Nice guy.

