Stop in for a cup of coffee

Our weather plate if full for the next few days. Snow, rain, thunder storms, and 70 mph wind gusts. The wind from the wrong direction too. Talkin' a lot of future firewood laying on the ground in the next couple days. Wait, this is Ca., they'll just grind it up and fill a landfill with it.
Our weather plate if full for the next few days. Snow, rain, thunder storms, and 70 mph wind gusts. The wind from the wrong direction too. Talkin' a lot of future firewood laying on the ground in the next couple days. Wait, this is Ca., they'll just grind it up and fill a landfill with it.
Saw a big band of Pineapple express supposed to hit late Sunday and into early week. Also saw some pics of Lake Shasta, looking better
I'm sure it happens. LOL. But this is a 7x11 tile inside. I don't even think one squirrel would stop it enough unless he got all the way down at the stove pipe. (and he likely would have still been there when I opened it)
Birds have a bad habit of hanging around the top of a stone or brick chimney because of the warmth. Had a few, not very often, get overcome by the fumes and whoops, down the chimney they fall into the fire..
One story rancher and it starts halfway up the basement wall. Maybe 20ft....
I'm wondering if 7x11 is too big for your set up and the hot gasses are cooling and coming back down. I'm not an expert though
In my spot drinking coffee waiting for the doors to open. 2500 spaces in side.


Woohoo! They just added a "Gale Watch" to the weather map. How about 20' breakers on the beach 12 miles from here? Amtrak better keep an eye out, their rails are right on the bluffs many points south of here.
Saw a big band of Pineapple express supposed to hit late Sunday and into early week. Also saw some pics of Lake Shasta, looking better
We used to play an annual winter classic hockey tournament at the outdoor rink at foot of Mt Shasta. Throw the sticks out on the ice, divvy them up, puck drops at sundown. We play all night till only one team standing. In rain sleet or snow. It was a great time.
I'm wondering if 7x11 is too big for your set up and the hot gasses are cooling and coming back down. I'm not an expert though
A smaller chimney would likely draft much better. 8 inch stovepipe going into it. So 50sq inch opening into 75 -doesn't help. Plus, the chimney is offset halfway up. Far from ideal, but original to house built 1980... We don't even try to light it much above 40F. Really only a problem getting started. Had it burning 3 days straight about a week ago when it was colder and never used a drop of oil.
Got that window put in the Suburban, says "Black Gold" lol. Looks like they pimped my ride, will use the heat gun today. Bummed that they didn't do the motor in the passenger door, just "troubleshot" it so now scheduled for next Friday.