Stop in for a cup of coffee

I had some leftover paint so figured why not! Downside I park in front of bar everyone in town knows it is me!
Like I should talk bout Sublime color :lol: My race go kart, black with sublime colored numbers, race helmet black with sublime outline flames, motorcycle helmet same, motorcycle has a tiny sock monkey mascot that is sublime colored :lol:
It's electric and I don't know how. I googled it to know what is wrong
Post up the details of the van, lets see if we can figure it out. Been a while since i diagnosed a dodge speedo issue. They were pretty much trouble free.
Hah! It is a Demon/Nova hybrid!

RA Mike.jpg
i love novas actually.. wish i still had my '70 :) plus it's so much like a duster it might as well be a demon

P.S. i'm this bored at work already :)
Nope, its on transmission. Two types, one with just an electrical connector and one that the speedo cable is used,and has a sensor. That one is good for adding electronic cruise control.

Fun day ahead. At least it won't be raining. First I'll have my taxes done :eek: then I'll go to the radiology lab and set up an MRI my GP wants done. Next rain, Sunday and Monday, maybe. Let it rain! Just not on March Meet weekend! :mad:
Guy out here in Ft Morgan has a Yenco Stinger. Thing runs pretty good.
I had to look that one up. I hadn't heard of those before. We had a Yenko Camaro, Nova and Chevelle here in town. Oh and a Corvair with a Crown V8 conversion. That was cool. It ran good but you had to baby the transaxle.
Morning fellers and fellet, it's trying to snow here. Bout every 15 seconds you will see a flake fall around you. Kept thinking I was seeing things on our walk.
Got hood on Firebird adjusted so its opens like it should. Was miserable before. So now pull carpet and put a seat in so it can be moved more comfortably. Hoping to get it on trailer today.
I think I mentioned this last week. I ordered some 2 oz. sample bottles through E bay. They got sent. I started tracking them and they were on their way, leaving Kansas City to Des Moines. Back to KC and back to DSM them back to KC. I contacted the seller because they were a week late and they gave me a refund. Now I see they are back in DSM! :mob::mob::rofl::rofl:
Out for delivery today. (I'll believe it when I see it) Here's the list of tracking info from KC MO to my house in Iowa. That package has more miles on it than the rocket heading to the moon today. I had to reduce the image to 33% to get it all in. :rofl:
