Stop in for a cup of coffee

You know, it's hard for me to believe also, but there are very few bugs here in my city in Vietnam. I hardly ever see mosquitoes either. Don't know why. I do know that they spray here. Periodically.
You would think living in this cold winter months that the bugs would be few here. NOOOO! lots of bugs in the summer. No real bad bugs just lots.
So wemt to that gas station honey hole yesterday. Not so good. Crap everywhere all over. Got a few smalls nothing Crazy and of course we met at a guys house who looked like George Castanza from Seinfeld

, seriously. Nice guy though then backtracked a half hour to the station and of course Matts drivers side rear drum overheated and locked up. Think we hit the brakes three times coming home. Great to have a granny gear. Basically a bust. Oh yeah it was in the town of Kreamer, seriously. Matt did not get the levity. Freaking Kids!
It did have a lift like this in it, crazy! Think it was a Ford lift needs to be in a car museum

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Not sure yet need a Vewwy large cup of Coffee!
Late party last night with about 10 people here at my house. Drank way too much. Could not get her up to go to exercise this morning. Just been laying around the house all day, trying to get my head straight, drank maybe six beers all day, soon time for dinner.
Awe you still teaching English thewe?
Nahhh, never did get to that. I actually only got the license to teach so I could get here on a job visa, way back when. I have taught some English privately to some children at my house, but not lately.
Morning and all that good stuff. Cold this morning but the positive is it only last today warms back up tomorrow. This morning, I start my first round of PT for my shoulder. I had the basal cell skin cancer spot taken off my face yesterday, no big deal stiches for a week. Other than that, keeping warm and enjoying a cup of coffee!!