Stop in for a cup of coffee

Considering the overall efficiency of rail transport, that is just stupid, eh?
They're not the smartest for sure. "No coal trains" is a bumper sticker you see on the Prius' up here, so it gets railed up into Canada to be put on a ship. Probably try to target oil/crude too that goes into refineries
We were attending an annual MSHA refresher class on a Saturday at a resort type place in the next county. Bout noon we here this racket outside the conference room we were using. I looked out window, in the parking lot I see one of our co-workers from another plant riding wheelies across the parking lot on his scooter :rofl:
:eek: can't like that! Any damage? Hope not and not looking like a raccoon!
It's punishment for being "that guy" and mowing so early in the year lol! Actually there is something going on but I think it's from slight swelling, like a shadow but I don't see it if I pull back around eye so I'm going to let it heal and swelling go down (it's minor) then I'll get it checked if still there
Yup only because of a prior windstorm brought down a lot of small pine/fir boughs. I thought, pick all those up or mulch em!
We've had some windy storms over the last couple weeks too. I need to do some e pick up sticks myself. But will definitely be mulching the smaller ones on my first cut.
I also was wanting to get it short early as our mole guy is nearing the end of his trapping and treatments, been eradicating them for months, he's won I think. I didn't see any signs so that's good
I also was wanting to get it short early as our mole guy is nearing the end of his trapping and treatments, been eradicating them for months, he's won I think. I didn't see any signs so that's good
I got them here....................just started the last year or two. I haven't done anything about it.
Here is a good one do electric vehicle charges like in a parking lot have adapters for all the makes of vehicles?
:lol: There was another link on that March Meet video of the Fuel Altereds from 2023. They had Eliminations on Monday :BangHead: because of the rain. Looked like all of about 50 people in the pit side bleachers :rolleyes::lol:
Made up some travel sausage and egg biscuits for grand daughter’s return trip! About a four hour drive to get home for them.

True story also. A steam engine derailed in a bog not far from here back in the day. No way to get equipment in there to lift it out. It’s long gone now, slowly sank and went to swamp heaven
I just might get a racing fix after all this weekend :D Local kart club is having their club race today just down the street a ways. It ain't nitro, but a Briggs on alcohol sounds pretty good to me also. :D
Here is a good one do electric vehicle charges like in a parking lot have adapters for all the makes of vehicles?

Tesla fast chargers are proprietary
I would guess you need to have your own adapters. Someone told me the Tesla chargers identify the exact vehicle they are charging by computer info. So an adapter won’t help you. Aren’t they free charging for life, or for a certain length of time?