Stop in for a cup of coffee

Look, these boys are thirteen, not fifteen. They don't even have pimples yet and the girls are a head taller than them.
And chastity belt is kyskhetsbälte in Swedish. :)

If those girls are anything like Tuula, the boys would be afraid to try anything for fear of the girls releasing their inner Viking and pounding the snot out of them!
Oh I know you are, Ray. I'm just trying to paint the picture in my daughter's favor.
And you're right, Dave, I wouldn't mess with these girls when they're angry.
Rani, we've come a long way here in Sweden, but there's still much that needs changing. And I'm sure there's attraction going on but I think they're enjoying their last summer free from adulthood.
And being an adult, I'm off to bed. G'night, y'all!
Meanwhile back at the ranch. Cowboy Bob returned to find that young Becky had been...
Meanwhile back at the ranch. Cowboy Bob returned to find that young Becky had been...

cooking briskets ???

I think cowgirls did the cooking because that was old times before girls were allowed to just sit around all day like now. I really don't know how some of my friends are going to get married.....they cant cook and they don't clean up after themselves. OMG these poor girls.

Cowgirls are good role models because they cook and the keep up the homestead and take care of the kids. They shoot villians and they can rodeo. Like put the pigs down and make bacon and stuff.
Meanwhile back at the ranch. Cowboy Bob returned to find that young Becky had been...

That's funny! Sometimes at work I will stick my head in the door of the office next door to mine and (in my best deep announcer voice) say "Meanwhile, back at the Justice League Headquarters, Aquaman is making a sandwich because..."

And then just give a blank stare waiting for a response.
That's funny! Sometimes at work I will stick my head in the door of the office next door to mine and (in my best deep announcer voice) say "Meanwhile, back at the Justice League Headquarters, Aquaman is making a sandwich because..."

And then just give a blank stare waiting for a response.

Must be something in the water that causes us to act that way.
Philly's not just the flavor that makes it special!

Schuylkill Punch. It's not for everyone. Just stay out of the water at the Jersey Shore. Rumor has it that fish make love in it.
Schuylkill Punch. It's not for everyone. Just stay out of the water at the Jersey Shore. Rumor has it that fish make love in it.

Syringe fish and colostomy bag jellyfish are in season limit.

Crabs are free, just ask a local girl for a date and she will give them to you.
That's really Lice of those girls.
There are very generous, you often will get far more than just free crabs. Sometimes even a 'special' gift you get to keep for the rest of your life...even after you share it with others.

Jersey girls...they give a whole new meaning to "Shore thing".
Well, I just got word that all of the repairs on my Memphis house are done. New roof, repaired soffits, new gutters and downspouts and interior repairs on the few ceiling water spots (I hate popcorn ceilings, stupidest invention ever).

My wallet is so light right now I had to tie a string to it to keep it from floating away...
Good that the repairs are done. Sorry about the wallet.. i guit carrying a wallet after i got married.. about like a girl with no boobs wearing a bra..
Good that the repairs are done. Sorry about the wallet.. i guit carrying a wallet after i got married.. about like a girl with no boobs wearing a bra..

LOL, yeah my wallet is now just for show...nothing in it but some dead moths.
Ooooh it's late and I've had more than a few beers. Just ordered a Large "Works" pizza from the local shop. I'm sure it will be awesome and I'm even more sure I will regret it around 3 am when it churns in my stomach.

F'k it.

I spent $13k this week on the Memphis house, had the PS pump in my wife's Grand Caravan die ($400), the 6 disc NAV radio in the SRT died ($600) and my speed shop guy cancelled coming over this weekend to fix the oil leak and other stuff on the GTS. My daughter has a nasty upper respiratory bug that has been persisting for the last 2 weeks and now I have it too. Yippee!

So now I'm going to finish getting the rest of the way drunk and then eat a large pizza with everything to top it off. Then I will sleep until I can't stay in bed any longer and then get up, eat something and go back to bed again.

It might be late tomorrow afternoon or possibly Sunday before I decide to get up again.

Sometimes you just gotta hole up and hibernate...
Schuylkill Punch. It's not for everyone. Just stay out of the water at the Jersey Shore. Rumor has it that fish make love in it.

Less than half of the Sperm Whale's semen ends up in the female whale...

And they wonder why the ocean tastes salty....
Lots of progress on the GTS today...

Got all the wiring done, just have to install the battery negative wire and run a ground to the body from it. Then the heater hoses, overflow bottle, plug wires, and fill the fluids and she's ready for its first start tomorrow...


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17 days to pull the old engine and have the new one in and ready to start... Taking our time to do it right and neat.... With a few days off here and there...

Along with slapping on a new set of super stock leaf springs also... Can't wait to see the new stance when it's back on the ground...