Stop in for a cup of coffee

Wife’s to do list for me… by the time I leave for power tour…

Clean Gutters
Clean chicken coop
Clean duck coop
Clean goat pen
Pick up play yard
Pick up living room and play room
Sweep and mop kitchen.
Take out trash.
Put new crib together
Install window AC units

:BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

And that’s why I started at 0500 this am haha
Wife’s to do list for me… by the time I leave for power tour…

Clean Gutters
Clean chicken coop
Clean duck coop
Clean goat pen
Pick up play yard
Pick up living room and play room
Sweep and mop kitchen.
Take out trash.
Put new crib together
Install window AC units

:BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

And that’s why I started at 0500 this am haha
Would make me leave early
Oh and I came out to this too this mornings someone hit both my driveway pillars over night…


Ok. So new shirt guy. pick them up next Friday.
Sorry for the delay.
If you were supposed to pick it up at MITP just pm me your info to mail it, if picking up at Carlisle I will make sure you get yours. Anyone else who was on the list that wanted it mailed pm me your info again.
To anyone else I did order a few extras and may be able to get you one, but no promises.
Wife’s to do list for me… by the time I leave for power tour…

Clean Gutters
Clean chicken coop
Clean duck coop
Clean goat pen
Pick up play yard
Pick up living room and play room
Sweep and mop kitchen.
Take out trash.
Put new crib together
Install window AC units

:BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

And that’s why I started at 0500 this am haha
She planning on company. Lol
Something interesting I found in the news this morning.

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View attachment 1716259936

The frequency of Tornado formation
Yes. That’s why that lower area is now called Dixie Alley. And they’ve shifted tornado alley east and north. What’s really interesting is the shift has really happened since about 2000. In part due to the massive outbreaks in 2004 and 2011 but if you look at SPC data, the top 10 busies tornado seasons have been since the mid 1990s.

  1. 2011: 1,894 tornadoes
  2. 2004: 1,820 tornadoes
  3. 2008: 1,685 tornadoes
  4. 2010: 1,543 tornadoes
  5. 2017: 1,522 tornadoes
  6. 1998: 1,440 tornadoes
  7. 2003: 1,374 tornadoes
  8. 1999: 1,364 tornadoes
  9. 1992: 1,312 tornadoes
  10. 2009: 1,305 tornadoes