Stop in for a cup of coffee

Joking about what? that was one of the best opening ceremonies i have seen...

I’m not a prude and I don’t care about one’s sex/gender crap but we were watching with young kids a program rated G and watching drag queens mock a religious dinner(I’m not that religious so that doesn’t bother me) is not kid friendly. If they wanted to do that, it should have been kept on adult channels. That was totally disgusting
Around here they would have converted that to Illegal immigrant housing.
Yeah about that… the local school corp here just today bumped a bunch of kids, mine included, from classrooms and even buses in order to shift the services to ESL (what the gov here calls illegal immigrant students) . The day before school to start. Dealing with that right now
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I’m not a prude and I don’t care about one’s sex/gender crap but we were watching with young kids a program rated G and watching drag queens mock a religious dinner(I’m not that religious so that doesn’t bother me) is not kid friendly. If they wanted to do that, it should have been kept on adult channels. That was totally disgusting
Religious dinner? It was celebrating greek history since the olympics are greek in origin.. And i think Dionysus would be ok with it... i'm sorry it bothered you but not many people follow ancient greek gods anymore.. it's a weird thing to get upset over..
BTW.. i wasn't too big on the dinner thing myself.... but the Gojira performance was awesome :)
Religious dinner? It was celebrating greek history since the olympics are greek in origin.. And i think Dionysus would be ok with it... i'm sorry it bothered you but not many people follow ancient greek gods anymore.. it's a weird thing to get upset over..
I don’t care about the dinner, it’s the promoting of drag queens to my kids I care about. We turned it off after a minute or so.

Again, could care less about one’s personal choices but a program billed as family oriented should not include drag queens or pornstars or any other sexual references straight, gay or otherwise.

Just leave that crap out of it and I’d had no problem with it.
I don’t care about the dinner, it’s the promoting of drag queens to my kids I care about. We turned it off after a minute or so.

Again, could care less about one’s personal choices but a program billed as family oriented should not include drag queens or pornstars or any other sexual references straight, gay or otherwise.

Just leave that crap out of it and I’d had no problem with it.
And that's fine.. turning it off is always an option :) I saw bout 5 seconds of that part.. meh.. didn't offend me or interest me, no big thing.
And that's fine.. turning it off is always an option :) I saw bout 5 seconds of that part.. meh.. didn't offend me or interest me, no big thing.
To be clear, I wasn’t offended. Just not something I want my kids exposed too. They’re under the age of 10, they wanted to see the American athletes and the Olympics so we watched but turned it off cause of that.

Do I think the media is making too much of a deal about it, perhaps. But it’s still not appropriate for an all age audience.
That sucks. Been there when the sump pump failed at my parents house. 2 feet of water
yeah, i have weaping tile issues and when we get non stop heavy **** like this i will get water in my furnace room... i put a fan in there for a day and it dries up, just stressful
yeah, i have weaping tile issues and when we get non stop heavy **** like this i will get water in my furnace room... i put a fan in there for a day and it dries up, just stressful
I’d hate to be in Georgia or SC today or even Florida. They’ve had more than 20 inches of rain since Sunday
Eventually I'd like to get it back to the WW-1 white versus this brilliant white

The white on the interior will be ivory to better match the future state

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Just my opinion but the racer in me says that car begs for a stripe! Car is stunning by the way as is.
And a pentastar on the lower fender in front of the door.. just something to break up the white