Stop in for a cup of coffee

Been saving radiators, condensers. intercoolers and any aluminum from the cars I worked on last year in the Bodyshop.
Cleaned them today to get top dollar at the scrap yard. No sheet aluminum doesn't pay enough to keep it around.
Almost got cluster wired.
Guy shows up with a vette, 1980.
Cut off the egr top to make room for edelbrock carb. Cant seem to get it to run right. Paid a guy tons of money and didnt figure it out. The way it would clean up at higher rpms got me suspicious. Grabbed the water squirter and proved my theory.
Letting him pull it off and bring it to me. 5” vacuum at idle means huge leak. Its regurgitating exhaust into intake for sure.
it just looks angry...

BTW.. i always think of Howe as cranky old man.... the dude was a beast...
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I love the picture of him flying thru the air when you know, he was with a real team (Whalers) not the RWs. I don’t remember who the goalie was he was sailing over, but that was my bridge reference! Longtime Wing hater (Hah) but number nine is one of my all time favs in spite of the RWs! I will never forget when Gretzky got 1851, they were both just so classy. Two great players handling what could have been awkward just totally cool. Still best sport on the planet!
RIP #9
Dark and Noisey outside. Looks like the rain is moving in
Nuked some Spinich and Redbeats a little Peperoni And Grated Parmesian Cheese.

I think I'll grill up some sausages, cook a couple of ears of sweet corn I set aside from today, and cut up a fresh cantaloupe for supper. I may have some potato salad as well. Like a picnic lunch!
Evening everyone. I hope you all have your flood insurance paid up...
Crazy amount of rain back there
Gee, and all I had was a piece of left over pizza and now some pretzels and tea. Hafta take notes and try some of your creations.
Did an early dinner tonight. Taco salad with everything on it but the kitchen sink.

Next to no rain for weeks now I may need to build an ark.
At least I got my Gutters cleaned out.
I should clean my gutters. and finish trimming the bushes. And get both of the yards mowed. And cut the volunteer trees from Andy's fence line. Ah, it never ends.